Customer testimonials
For years, we have ordered from Hilkka medical translations for research and marketing, and we have been very pleased with her work. She provides flexible and individual high-quality service!
- Heikki Niemi, Medical Manager, Oy H Lundbeck Ab
Hilkka Salmén has translated and revised the English summaries of our scientific articles for several years. Cooperation with her has been highly smooth and reliable. I recommend her services!
- Esa Ilmolahti, Managing Editor, Finnish Medical Journal
Hilkka has translated and revised for us texts requiring technical knowledge and familiarity with special vocabulary. Our cooperation has been rapid, flexible and of a high quality.
- Merja Heponiemi, Marketing Manager, Galilaeus Oy
Hilkka is a good advertisement for Finland’s role as information leader. She seems to be acting as a one-woman information highway junction. - Y. B.
Of all the four translations into English (the other three handled by native English speakers), the one that has required the least amount of editing work on my part, is the translation that Hilkka supplied. I am incredibly impressed and very pleased indeed with the quality of her work! - S. K.